Have you ever considered whale watching? Imagine Lahaina, a little town so eager to show these magnificent animals you would believe they set out a red carpet for them every winter. On this www.goscubadivemaui.com side of the Pacific, Lahaina, a historic pearl of Maui, sits really nicely and provides some of the most amazing whale displays.
For whales, especially the humpbacks, the Pacific Ocean is basically a sushi feast. They go from the frigid Alaskan seas to the warm Hawaiian coast. but why Lahaina? The whales seem to have as their GPS location fixed very exactly. Perhaps the tranquil waves or the comfortable temperature define a whale-sized hot tub.
The town’s deliberate position on Maui’s western coast is the secret. These lee waters shield from strong gusts, therefore smoothing out both vessels and their human contents. Not exactly like butter, but near enough. Besides that, the waterway between Maui and Lanai is a maritime form of Broadway for whales. And Lehaina? It’s the perfect seat in theater.
Expert local guide, always happy to share a tale or two, know exactly where to catch the greatest splash, therefore enabling people to see a scene from one of the most amazing live acts in nature. Like they have whale ESP or something! Their boats gently tip-toe to provide an up-close view, but respect the comfort range of the whales. Top notch, people!
Watching a gentle behemoth breach and sink back into the ocean has something simultaneously humble and heroic. Eyes enlarge, jaws close, and memory cards fill quickly. Just keep in mind; those cameras won’t record the surge of exhilaration in your chest. That is a positive thing, though. You get to keep that treasure search entirely personal.
And truthfully, no journey is complete without stories. Perhaps a few about Captain Cook, those delicious fish tacos, or how Uncle Billy once wrestled a coconut crab. Whale stories occupy a particular, salted place in every visitor’s heart and are the cherry on top of Lahaina’s wonderful cake. Now, isn’t that exactly the ideal cherry on top for your vacation scrapbook?